October 28, 2007

Ways to Eliminate Stress - Part 6

These methods are a little less thought of and/or talked about than the methods covered in Part 5, but are just as effective and can contribute to reduced stress.

Deep Breathing: One sort of practices this when they do yoga and tai chi but this exercise takes it a few steps further as that is your whole purpose of the exercise, so all of your attention and activity goes into the deep breathing. This can also be done almost anywhere you are, at home, at work, visiting, traveling etc, etc. This helps eliminate stress, tension, anxiety and anger; when you become anxious or stressed you tend to take shallow rapid breaths and can even do what they call hyperventilate, this exercise can reverse that and relieve symptoms very quickly. FIND a quiet place; you can sit in a chair or lie on the floor (put a pillow in the small of your back); breathe in slowly and deeply, pushing your stomach out as you breathe in; say relax silently as you exhale; picture the stress and tension leaving your body as you breathe out; exhale slowly, letting your stomach come in. For me this breathing was backwards to the way breathed, you may find this the case with you also. Repeat these deep breaths 10 times. Practice this exercise 5 times a day or as needed to maintain your stress levels.

Pet Talking: This is a very good way to get yourself back on track and get your mind off of what is bothering you, you can either play with the pet, possibly take the pet outdoors for a walk or just to play. Another good idea is to spend some quality time with your pet prior to a stressful task and this will get the endorphins going to make the task less stressful. Many times spending time with your pet is even more beneficial then spending time with a friend or relative, they (the pet) give you unconditional love and their full attention and are so grateful and loving for your attention, they give that love and attention back to you ten fold, it is a win, win situation. I have known people who have found that an aquarium soothes and comforts them, watching the fish swimming has a tranquil effect, go spend some time in a store that carries aquariums and see what kind of an effect they have on you, you may be surprised.

Mental Imaging: This is another one of those exercises that you can do practically anywhere, anytime and it works marvelous to help eliminate stress; when you do this exercise it will create a feeling of heaviness, warmth, and relaxation in your muscles. Sit in a chair or you can also lie down on the floor, close your eyes and start breathing slowly and deeply.
Picture waves on a beach, as you breathe in imagine the waves coming toward the shore, as you breathe out picture the waves moving away from the shore; imagine the sun shining on you. Concentrate on your muscle groups one at a time. Visualize the sun warming each muscle group, say to yourself something like "My right hand feels relaxed, loose, comfortable"; then do another muscle group from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Do this exercise twice a day for at least 5 minutes preferably 10 minutes.

You will find that these exercises along with the ones I mentioned in Part 5 of this series will help eliminate any and all stress you seem to encounter in your life, and it is all manageable, all you have to do is remember these little suggestions when you run into a stressful situation.

Thought for the Day: "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts." -Albert Einstein-

My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons

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