Part 3 is about oils/fats and yes, you can eat some fats and oils that are very healthy for you, they aren't the kind you will find at your local restaurant drive thru however. Also, unfortunately, some of them you can't even be found at your local supermarket, although, they are becoming more readily available there. The right fats/oils can actually be good for your heart and even help you manage your weight. So lets start covering these miracle fats and learn a little about them:
Flax Seed Oil: Some facts about flax seed oil; it never converts to body fat, not ever, so this works for both the dieter and the hard gainer; never use flax seed oil for cooking, oils high in essential fatty acids are not good for cooking, in fact heat can turn these healthy fats into harmful ones; only purchase flax seed oil in the refrigerated section and they should be in very dark containers; flax seed eaten at meals can increase the nutritional value of other foods. Many of the chronic diseases are classified as chronic inflammation, some of these are heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, arthritis, asthma; and the good news is that these can be reversed with natural anti-inflammatory foods and supplements and yes, flax seed oil is one of those. Flax seed is effective in lowering cholesterol levels; stimulates the immune system; contains high levels of antioxidants; so consume at least a tablespoon of the powerhouse fat everyday, the perfect way to introduce it into your diet is put it in your morning smoothie.
Omega Fatty Acids: These can be taken in a form of a supplement which if that is your preferred method it needs to be the balanced amounts of 3-6-9, however, as you start eating healthy you will get this balance in some of the foods you eat, so the amount of the supplement will be able to be reduced as you are getting the value from the foods you eat. Omega 3 helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes, high blood pressure, brain, nervous system, protect again certain cancers like breast and prostrate, they help reduce inflammation by improving the blood flow in the body and also strengthening the joints. Omega 6 also needs to come from our diet and/or a supplement and the conversion of this for the body to use is very limited and is blocked my our on the run lifestyles, such as stress, smoking, ageing, sugar, nutritional deficiencies; which means many of us are deficient in this Omega. The supplement that supplies this fatty acid is evening primrose oil and you need a supplement that has at least 10% GLA and from a reputable company. Omega 9 is essential not a fatty acid, because our bodies can manufacture some of it as long as the other two are present in our bodies, however, they all three work very well together and so the premium supplement would have the three included in it. Omega 9 is what the call Oleic Acid and it lowers the risk of heart attack, arteriosclerosis and can reduce the risk of cancer. Foods that contain Oleic Acid are extra virgin oil, olives, avocados, almonds, sesame oil, pecans, pistachio nuts, cashews, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts.
Olive Oil: This is another oil that should not be used for cooking as when it is heated it looses it healthy properties and it should be extra virgin olive oil. Once again this oil reduces body inflammation, it can also assist in weight loss; it helps you look better by reducing dry, coarse skin, strengthen cracked and weak nails, helps hair to be shiny and sleek; protects your heart; combats cancer; helps with the affects of diabetes.
Hazelnut Oil: It is probably one of the most luxurious of all the above oils, or at least it may seem that way as gourmet chefs around the world use it in their prized recipes. This oil can be heated to 430F, so you can cook your favorite foods in it and it has about the same healthy properties as olive oil, with just a little different taste to enhance your menus, it goes well as a substitute for butter and it also goes great with chocolate.
Just so you will know what other oils/fats are good for cooking I am going to give you two other ones that can be heated to higher temperatures. One is grapeseed oil, which can be heated to 420F and it has all three of the Omega Fatty Acids in it and it also comparable to all the above oils; the other one that can be heated to higher temperatures is coconut oil and it is once again one of the most healthy oils you can cook with and it can be heated to 350F for cooking your foods, it has a very distinct flavor and you would need to like coconuts to be able to enjoy this in your cooking.
These are many options for you to get started on your healthy path to good eating and know that the food can taste good and still be healthy, quite looking for short term answers and fixes, and make long term lifestyle changes.
Thought for the day: "We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden." -Goethe-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
October 28, 2007
Ways to Help Eliminate Stress - Part 7
The basic theme of this article is get out and get moving, get whatever is creating your stress in perspective and not let it take over your whole being. This is not the same as running away from it and/or ignoring it, it is just so you don't sit and just sort of stew in what is going on. Also, when you go out and get a change of scenery, so to speak, you are less likely to get depressed and/or moody, just get off the couch which will be good for you mind, body and stress.
Have you noticed when you are stressed your self esteem sort of takes down hill spiral, your hair is not perfect, your clothes fit funny, you drop your keys, or you can not find your keys, traffic is annoying and so on and so forth. Then you do something special for yourself and bingo, you feel better, let that something be eating a good healthy meal, go shopping for healthy, interesting food and fix a super healthy meal that makes you feel special after you eat it, not, like what did I eat that for.
Volunteering can do the same thing for your stress level, there is always someone who is better off than you and much worse off than you, and when you go out and volunteer, you get to see both sides and know that your life is right on. It will give you confidence and an over all feeling of self worth and self esteem. It is all about attitude, it has been said "life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react", and if we are busy contributing to life we will be somewhere closer to the 90% end of the scale. There is all kinds of volunteering, figure out what and where your interests lay and then check out the different facilities that are involved in your interests and go volunteer. Usually most facilities will accept part time and many even drop in participation. Another good idea may to be to find a facility that is involved in the area you always find your self stressed out in, that way you can learn how to see and possibly overcome some of your stress in the situation, if nothing else you can identify when a stress "attack" is coming on.
Watch how you talk to yourself and to others, do you use the words should, must and ought to; do have the feeling you are always last; feeling like you always expect the worst; compulsive about not being late; compulsive of always being late; these are things you can watch for in your behavior and if you are working with others and watching your own behavior, you may get the clue of some of your stress signals. The other people you are working with, interacting with, will be your mirror.
Sometimes the volunteer work can even be done from you home, like making calls to shut-ins and the chronically ill to cheer them up and to just give them a call so they know that someone is thinking of them and cares, this many times helps you more than the person you are calling. Since stress involves a focus on ones self, focusing on the needs of others literally helps shift our thinking and that perpetuates pleasure and happiness.
Volunteer work and helping others can also involve donating money and that works the same way where doing good helps us to feel good and feeling good also makes us more likely to do good.
Then there is the all famous one that anyone can do, and that is give away a smile to just anyone for any reason, and if you do not feel like smiling smile anyway, act as if you are happy and stressfree and you will be, going thru the motions can wake up the emotions.
Thought for the day: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Leo Buscaglia-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
Have you noticed when you are stressed your self esteem sort of takes down hill spiral, your hair is not perfect, your clothes fit funny, you drop your keys, or you can not find your keys, traffic is annoying and so on and so forth. Then you do something special for yourself and bingo, you feel better, let that something be eating a good healthy meal, go shopping for healthy, interesting food and fix a super healthy meal that makes you feel special after you eat it, not, like what did I eat that for.
Volunteering can do the same thing for your stress level, there is always someone who is better off than you and much worse off than you, and when you go out and volunteer, you get to see both sides and know that your life is right on. It will give you confidence and an over all feeling of self worth and self esteem. It is all about attitude, it has been said "life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react", and if we are busy contributing to life we will be somewhere closer to the 90% end of the scale. There is all kinds of volunteering, figure out what and where your interests lay and then check out the different facilities that are involved in your interests and go volunteer. Usually most facilities will accept part time and many even drop in participation. Another good idea may to be to find a facility that is involved in the area you always find your self stressed out in, that way you can learn how to see and possibly overcome some of your stress in the situation, if nothing else you can identify when a stress "attack" is coming on.
Watch how you talk to yourself and to others, do you use the words should, must and ought to; do have the feeling you are always last; feeling like you always expect the worst; compulsive about not being late; compulsive of always being late; these are things you can watch for in your behavior and if you are working with others and watching your own behavior, you may get the clue of some of your stress signals. The other people you are working with, interacting with, will be your mirror.
Sometimes the volunteer work can even be done from you home, like making calls to shut-ins and the chronically ill to cheer them up and to just give them a call so they know that someone is thinking of them and cares, this many times helps you more than the person you are calling. Since stress involves a focus on ones self, focusing on the needs of others literally helps shift our thinking and that perpetuates pleasure and happiness.
Volunteer work and helping others can also involve donating money and that works the same way where doing good helps us to feel good and feeling good also makes us more likely to do good.
Then there is the all famous one that anyone can do, and that is give away a smile to just anyone for any reason, and if you do not feel like smiling smile anyway, act as if you are happy and stressfree and you will be, going thru the motions can wake up the emotions.
Thought for the day: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Leo Buscaglia-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
Anti-Aging, East Healthy Foods, Live Longer and Feel Better - Part 2
Part 2 is going to talk about seeds that are beneficial to our health and well being, once again seeds should be eaten raw and unsalted, and of course there are always exceptions to this rule, such as some seeds can be made into oils and other forms, which are just as healthy for us. This list is not conclusive, I am just covering some of the most popular and beneficial seeds so that it gives you an idea how good seeds are for you and you will use them in your daily diet and your menu preparation and on to healthy living.
Pumpkin Seeds: They are also called Pepitas and are very nutritious. They can promote increased energy, and who can't use that; they support the function of the immune system; assists in prostate health; they have protein, minerals, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and have the heart healthy fat that reduces bad cholesterol. You can eat them as a healthy snack on the run or in a trail mix blended with the other seeds listed below and/or the nuts in part 1, however, they are high in calories, so they should be eaten in moderation; you can roast them at home and put them in salads, soups and cereal.
Flax Seeds: This is one powerhouse of a whole grain food, it is considered one of the superfoods, its health benefits are many: helps prevent colon cancer; regulates cholesterol; regulates blood glucose readings; helps prevent the onset of cancers; prevents constipation; can aid in weight loss; it is contains Omega 3 which supports metabolic, cardiovascular functions. You can sprinkle the seeds on salads or in your cooking, how I like it is ground (just grind in your coffee grinder) and put in my morning smoothie. Flax seed is also consumed in the form of oil and that will be discussed in another part of this series
Sesame Seeds: Wow, these little tiny, wonderful seed is a real powerhouse seed. These seeds are 25% protein; you do not want to toast them as when you do they loose some of their nutrients. The fat content is another marvelous observation, with 38% monounsaturated and 44% polyunsaturated which equals 82% unsaturated fatty acids; also because sesame seeds are a plant food, there is no need to worry about cholesterol.
They are also high in calcium, vitamin B, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, folic acid. Even though you can eat these whole on salads and cooking; it is best to get the full nutrient value by consuming in the form of sesame oil, tahini or sesame butter, as the whole seeds do not break down readily and release all their nutrients. Tahini is sesame seeds ground into a paste and used in stir fry and/or any other kind of cooking, you find this in a lot of Asian cooking and it is available in most health food stores, get use to using this superfood in your everyday cooking and reap the healthy benefits of this tiny food wonder and it also tastes really yummy.
Sunflower Seeds: Once again these powerful seeds can be added to salads, popcorn, homemade baking, eaten whole and added to a trail mix. Seeds should be eaten raw and unsalted; and it is important to never eat rancid or overheated sunflower seeds as they can increase the risk of free radical formation. Sunflower seeds are very high in vitamin E, which is linked to reduce heart disease.
Fenugreek Seeds: This seed seems to be a powerhouse on helping to reduce the stress of diabetes by stimulating the pancreas to release insulin; insulin causes the blood sugar to drop, which may help ease diabetic symptoms. It has also been know to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and aids in digestion.
So here are some really healthy alternatives to eating healthy and living healthy; make a practice to add one or more of these wonderful powerful seeds in your daily living and give yourself a boost of energy and a mental feeling of doing a good deed for your mind, body and soul.
Thought for the day: "The greatest blessing you can make on food is to enjoy it" -Alan Cohen-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
Pumpkin Seeds: They are also called Pepitas and are very nutritious. They can promote increased energy, and who can't use that; they support the function of the immune system; assists in prostate health; they have protein, minerals, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and have the heart healthy fat that reduces bad cholesterol. You can eat them as a healthy snack on the run or in a trail mix blended with the other seeds listed below and/or the nuts in part 1, however, they are high in calories, so they should be eaten in moderation; you can roast them at home and put them in salads, soups and cereal.
Flax Seeds: This is one powerhouse of a whole grain food, it is considered one of the superfoods, its health benefits are many: helps prevent colon cancer; regulates cholesterol; regulates blood glucose readings; helps prevent the onset of cancers; prevents constipation; can aid in weight loss; it is contains Omega 3 which supports metabolic, cardiovascular functions. You can sprinkle the seeds on salads or in your cooking, how I like it is ground (just grind in your coffee grinder) and put in my morning smoothie. Flax seed is also consumed in the form of oil and that will be discussed in another part of this series
Sesame Seeds: Wow, these little tiny, wonderful seed is a real powerhouse seed. These seeds are 25% protein; you do not want to toast them as when you do they loose some of their nutrients. The fat content is another marvelous observation, with 38% monounsaturated and 44% polyunsaturated which equals 82% unsaturated fatty acids; also because sesame seeds are a plant food, there is no need to worry about cholesterol.
They are also high in calcium, vitamin B, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, folic acid. Even though you can eat these whole on salads and cooking; it is best to get the full nutrient value by consuming in the form of sesame oil, tahini or sesame butter, as the whole seeds do not break down readily and release all their nutrients. Tahini is sesame seeds ground into a paste and used in stir fry and/or any other kind of cooking, you find this in a lot of Asian cooking and it is available in most health food stores, get use to using this superfood in your everyday cooking and reap the healthy benefits of this tiny food wonder and it also tastes really yummy.
Sunflower Seeds: Once again these powerful seeds can be added to salads, popcorn, homemade baking, eaten whole and added to a trail mix. Seeds should be eaten raw and unsalted; and it is important to never eat rancid or overheated sunflower seeds as they can increase the risk of free radical formation. Sunflower seeds are very high in vitamin E, which is linked to reduce heart disease.
Fenugreek Seeds: This seed seems to be a powerhouse on helping to reduce the stress of diabetes by stimulating the pancreas to release insulin; insulin causes the blood sugar to drop, which may help ease diabetic symptoms. It has also been know to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and aids in digestion.
So here are some really healthy alternatives to eating healthy and living healthy; make a practice to add one or more of these wonderful powerful seeds in your daily living and give yourself a boost of energy and a mental feeling of doing a good deed for your mind, body and soul.
Thought for the day: "The greatest blessing you can make on food is to enjoy it" -Alan Cohen-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
Ways to Eliminate Stress - Part 6
These methods are a little less thought of and/or talked about than the methods covered in Part 5, but are just as effective and can contribute to reduced stress.
Deep Breathing: One sort of practices this when they do yoga and tai chi but this exercise takes it a few steps further as that is your whole purpose of the exercise, so all of your attention and activity goes into the deep breathing. This can also be done almost anywhere you are, at home, at work, visiting, traveling etc, etc. This helps eliminate stress, tension, anxiety and anger; when you become anxious or stressed you tend to take shallow rapid breaths and can even do what they call hyperventilate, this exercise can reverse that and relieve symptoms very quickly. FIND a quiet place; you can sit in a chair or lie on the floor (put a pillow in the small of your back); breathe in slowly and deeply, pushing your stomach out as you breathe in; say relax silently as you exhale; picture the stress and tension leaving your body as you breathe out; exhale slowly, letting your stomach come in. For me this breathing was backwards to the way breathed, you may find this the case with you also. Repeat these deep breaths 10 times. Practice this exercise 5 times a day or as needed to maintain your stress levels.
Pet Talking: This is a very good way to get yourself back on track and get your mind off of what is bothering you, you can either play with the pet, possibly take the pet outdoors for a walk or just to play. Another good idea is to spend some quality time with your pet prior to a stressful task and this will get the endorphins going to make the task less stressful. Many times spending time with your pet is even more beneficial then spending time with a friend or relative, they (the pet) give you unconditional love and their full attention and are so grateful and loving for your attention, they give that love and attention back to you ten fold, it is a win, win situation. I have known people who have found that an aquarium soothes and comforts them, watching the fish swimming has a tranquil effect, go spend some time in a store that carries aquariums and see what kind of an effect they have on you, you may be surprised.
Mental Imaging: This is another one of those exercises that you can do practically anywhere, anytime and it works marvelous to help eliminate stress; when you do this exercise it will create a feeling of heaviness, warmth, and relaxation in your muscles. Sit in a chair or you can also lie down on the floor, close your eyes and start breathing slowly and deeply.
Picture waves on a beach, as you breathe in imagine the waves coming toward the shore, as you breathe out picture the waves moving away from the shore; imagine the sun shining on you. Concentrate on your muscle groups one at a time. Visualize the sun warming each muscle group, say to yourself something like "My right hand feels relaxed, loose, comfortable"; then do another muscle group from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Do this exercise twice a day for at least 5 minutes preferably 10 minutes.
You will find that these exercises along with the ones I mentioned in Part 5 of this series will help eliminate any and all stress you seem to encounter in your life, and it is all manageable, all you have to do is remember these little suggestions when you run into a stressful situation.
Thought for the Day: "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts." -Albert Einstein-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
Deep Breathing: One sort of practices this when they do yoga and tai chi but this exercise takes it a few steps further as that is your whole purpose of the exercise, so all of your attention and activity goes into the deep breathing. This can also be done almost anywhere you are, at home, at work, visiting, traveling etc, etc. This helps eliminate stress, tension, anxiety and anger; when you become anxious or stressed you tend to take shallow rapid breaths and can even do what they call hyperventilate, this exercise can reverse that and relieve symptoms very quickly. FIND a quiet place; you can sit in a chair or lie on the floor (put a pillow in the small of your back); breathe in slowly and deeply, pushing your stomach out as you breathe in; say relax silently as you exhale; picture the stress and tension leaving your body as you breathe out; exhale slowly, letting your stomach come in. For me this breathing was backwards to the way breathed, you may find this the case with you also. Repeat these deep breaths 10 times. Practice this exercise 5 times a day or as needed to maintain your stress levels.
Pet Talking: This is a very good way to get yourself back on track and get your mind off of what is bothering you, you can either play with the pet, possibly take the pet outdoors for a walk or just to play. Another good idea is to spend some quality time with your pet prior to a stressful task and this will get the endorphins going to make the task less stressful. Many times spending time with your pet is even more beneficial then spending time with a friend or relative, they (the pet) give you unconditional love and their full attention and are so grateful and loving for your attention, they give that love and attention back to you ten fold, it is a win, win situation. I have known people who have found that an aquarium soothes and comforts them, watching the fish swimming has a tranquil effect, go spend some time in a store that carries aquariums and see what kind of an effect they have on you, you may be surprised.
Mental Imaging: This is another one of those exercises that you can do practically anywhere, anytime and it works marvelous to help eliminate stress; when you do this exercise it will create a feeling of heaviness, warmth, and relaxation in your muscles. Sit in a chair or you can also lie down on the floor, close your eyes and start breathing slowly and deeply.
Picture waves on a beach, as you breathe in imagine the waves coming toward the shore, as you breathe out picture the waves moving away from the shore; imagine the sun shining on you. Concentrate on your muscle groups one at a time. Visualize the sun warming each muscle group, say to yourself something like "My right hand feels relaxed, loose, comfortable"; then do another muscle group from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Do this exercise twice a day for at least 5 minutes preferably 10 minutes.
You will find that these exercises along with the ones I mentioned in Part 5 of this series will help eliminate any and all stress you seem to encounter in your life, and it is all manageable, all you have to do is remember these little suggestions when you run into a stressful situation.
Thought for the Day: "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts." -Albert Einstein-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons
Anti-Aging, Eat Healthy Foods, Live Longer and Feel Better - Part 1
Everywhere we look, read; hear it is all about anti-aging and how we can look and feel younger. I for one endorse the Dove ads, I love my age and every little imperfection I have gathered on my journey called life. However, I am really interested in living longer (which includes being healthy) and feeling better, so I started on this journey of changing my habits of eating and looking into what foods and supplements would make me feel and look better and of course live longer and healthier.
My first reservation with eating healthy was, how can I do this and still live, work and play in this world that rotates around fast food and the on the go lifestyle, so I was interested in what I could carry with me just incase I wasn't at home when it was meal time and avoid that "I'll just go thru the drive thru" syndrome.
Today's topic is going to be about nuts: Not all nuts are created equal, I am only going to discuss the ones that are beneficial (from my research) and that have the most healthy benefits, also please remember that the nuts should be eaten raw and unsalted, and yes, I know that doesn't sound like the roasted, salted deluxe nut mix we are use to, but when you read the benefits you will reap by eating these healthy anti-aging gems, you will just go yummy.
ALMONDS: This nut actually lowers blood cholesterol levels, and 90% of the fats in almonds are unsaturated, they help prevent osteoporosis and the regulate blood pressure; they are considered a well-balanced food. Studies have shown they can contribute to lower the risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic illnesses. Almonds are considered to be the most nutritious of all nuts.
WALNUTS: They are one of the best plant sources of protein. Walnuts have high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which help in the risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel elasticity and plaque accumulation. The suggested amount of walnuts per day is 1.5oz or about 20 halves, eat them in place of other snacks not in addition to and they can remain a very healthy snack.
HAZELNUTS: These nuts are very high in Vitamin E, which again is a protection against heart diseases and cancer; also Vitamin E is an anti-aging supplement both for inside and outside the body. You can also use hazelnut oil for your cooking and salads. It has been said that if cancer is already formed in the body, Hazelnuts then can fight to defuse the harmful cells.
PECANS: This is one the more elegant nuts, and is known best for pecan pie, with that said, this will not include pecan pie, but will give much more healthful benefits. Once again this nut is exceptional to reduce heart disease and coronary artery disease. Pecans are rich in oleic acid, which is also found in olive oil, which can discourage the triggering of breast cancer. Pecans, walnuts and hazelnuts contain the highest antioxidant levels of all nuts.
So the next time you head out the door, or better yet just keep a supply tightly sealed in the car, grab a packet of nuts to munch on and have ready for the kids, wife, husband, friend and who ever else rides in your car to snack on, and you will be doing your body the biggest gift of all and it will thank you by performing in a healthy glowing way and for a very long healthy time.
Thought for the day: "The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas." -Linus Pauling-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique
My first reservation with eating healthy was, how can I do this and still live, work and play in this world that rotates around fast food and the on the go lifestyle, so I was interested in what I could carry with me just incase I wasn't at home when it was meal time and avoid that "I'll just go thru the drive thru" syndrome.
Today's topic is going to be about nuts: Not all nuts are created equal, I am only going to discuss the ones that are beneficial (from my research) and that have the most healthy benefits, also please remember that the nuts should be eaten raw and unsalted, and yes, I know that doesn't sound like the roasted, salted deluxe nut mix we are use to, but when you read the benefits you will reap by eating these healthy anti-aging gems, you will just go yummy.
ALMONDS: This nut actually lowers blood cholesterol levels, and 90% of the fats in almonds are unsaturated, they help prevent osteoporosis and the regulate blood pressure; they are considered a well-balanced food. Studies have shown they can contribute to lower the risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic illnesses. Almonds are considered to be the most nutritious of all nuts.
WALNUTS: They are one of the best plant sources of protein. Walnuts have high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which help in the risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel elasticity and plaque accumulation. The suggested amount of walnuts per day is 1.5oz or about 20 halves, eat them in place of other snacks not in addition to and they can remain a very healthy snack.
HAZELNUTS: These nuts are very high in Vitamin E, which again is a protection against heart diseases and cancer; also Vitamin E is an anti-aging supplement both for inside and outside the body. You can also use hazelnut oil for your cooking and salads. It has been said that if cancer is already formed in the body, Hazelnuts then can fight to defuse the harmful cells.
PECANS: This is one the more elegant nuts, and is known best for pecan pie, with that said, this will not include pecan pie, but will give much more healthful benefits. Once again this nut is exceptional to reduce heart disease and coronary artery disease. Pecans are rich in oleic acid, which is also found in olive oil, which can discourage the triggering of breast cancer. Pecans, walnuts and hazelnuts contain the highest antioxidant levels of all nuts.
So the next time you head out the door, or better yet just keep a supply tightly sealed in the car, grab a packet of nuts to munch on and have ready for the kids, wife, husband, friend and who ever else rides in your car to snack on, and you will be doing your body the biggest gift of all and it will thank you by performing in a healthy glowing way and for a very long healthy time.
Thought for the day: "The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas." -Linus Pauling-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique
Stress Eraser: Ways to Help Eliminate Stress-Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality-Part 5
At times we just can't avoid stress, when life situations come at us, there it is, staring us in the face. Situations like to loose a job, being lay off from a job, divorce, physical or mental challenge of a family member, floods, tornadoes, wildfires and the list can go on and on; during these times we need tools and functions we can do to diminish and control the stress so that it doesn't control our lives.
Basically all of the things to do to relieve stress are to take action, be active, get moving, not just busy and running away from the situation, but actively productive to improve your mental, physical, spiritual self. The first thing that comes to mind is a walk and to see how many things you can see that you are grateful for and that are also natures wonders; when you are being observant of your surroundings you can't be on the "why me" wagon, your mind will be occupied with other thoughts. Also a walk you can do pretty much anywhere and anytime without much preparation or special equipment or any special clothing, just go out and walk, even if it is indoors in a mall, hotel grounds, hospital hallways or business complex.
Then there is yoga, there are all kinds of yoga and they all do about the same thing, they balance all of your systems by concentrating on your breath and body movement and they quite your mind. Yoga means to unite, so that means your mind, body and spirit unite into one, and even if you can't do the advanced poses you still get the benefits of yoga even as a beginner.
Some of the different yoga's that can be done for all aspects of people are: LAUGHING YOGA, this is where you do the poses and then laugh out loud, when you laugh you release endorphins, which create a lighter mood and releases stress, if you can find a friend to do this with, the laughing becomes infectious and you just start giggling, which is so healing as laughing can heal many things in your body, just a daily dose of laughter will chase the blues away. CHAIR YOGA: this is perfect for people with challenges with balance or other conditions in the body, and there are CD's and DVD's on the poses for chair yoga and possibly the YMCA or senior centers will have classes.
Tai Chi is also a wonderful mind, body and soul connection practice, it is excellent for the body balancing and improves balance and coordination and once again you can find relief even at the beginners level. This relieves stress by watching the breath and keeping your thoughts on the moment, not thinking about how to deal with the situations that are lurking over your life.
Next is meditation and for people who have never tried this, it seems a little intimidating, but don't let it be, once again it is about breathe and allowing your mind to become still. I have a very easy and simple method that I started on, that I will share with you: Always do your meditation in the same spot/chair etc; prepare yourself so you will be in as quiet a space as possible without interruptions, I find early morning works best for me, you find your best time for you; then close your eyes with feet/arms not crossed, legs can be folded in front/under you if you like, and that isn't necessary; then start your deep breathing and mentally pay attention to it, breath in and then breath out, after you get a pattern and rhythm to your breathing; visualize a score board, like the ones at a basketball game, start at 16 and count backwards to 1, if an intervening thought comes to your mind start over again at 16, when you can get to 1 without any thoughts creeping in, you will be in a meditative state. It took me about a month of doing this daily to get from 16 to 1, so be patient with yourself, and just enjoy the journey, it really isn't the destination, it is the journey that is fun. I would set aside about 15 to 20 minutes to begin with, as it will take you awhile to get to the 16/1 state, you can set an alarm clock or radio to come on or any other type of timer so you will know when the time is up, when you get to the 16/1 state you will just know when your time is up. Enjoy!
Thought for the day: "Be where you are. That's an important part of living a centered life. When your life is in balance, your access to the optimal emotional state is easy and effortless." –Nick Hall-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique
Basically all of the things to do to relieve stress are to take action, be active, get moving, not just busy and running away from the situation, but actively productive to improve your mental, physical, spiritual self. The first thing that comes to mind is a walk and to see how many things you can see that you are grateful for and that are also natures wonders; when you are being observant of your surroundings you can't be on the "why me" wagon, your mind will be occupied with other thoughts. Also a walk you can do pretty much anywhere and anytime without much preparation or special equipment or any special clothing, just go out and walk, even if it is indoors in a mall, hotel grounds, hospital hallways or business complex.
Then there is yoga, there are all kinds of yoga and they all do about the same thing, they balance all of your systems by concentrating on your breath and body movement and they quite your mind. Yoga means to unite, so that means your mind, body and spirit unite into one, and even if you can't do the advanced poses you still get the benefits of yoga even as a beginner.
Some of the different yoga's that can be done for all aspects of people are: LAUGHING YOGA, this is where you do the poses and then laugh out loud, when you laugh you release endorphins, which create a lighter mood and releases stress, if you can find a friend to do this with, the laughing becomes infectious and you just start giggling, which is so healing as laughing can heal many things in your body, just a daily dose of laughter will chase the blues away. CHAIR YOGA: this is perfect for people with challenges with balance or other conditions in the body, and there are CD's and DVD's on the poses for chair yoga and possibly the YMCA or senior centers will have classes.
Tai Chi is also a wonderful mind, body and soul connection practice, it is excellent for the body balancing and improves balance and coordination and once again you can find relief even at the beginners level. This relieves stress by watching the breath and keeping your thoughts on the moment, not thinking about how to deal with the situations that are lurking over your life.
Next is meditation and for people who have never tried this, it seems a little intimidating, but don't let it be, once again it is about breathe and allowing your mind to become still. I have a very easy and simple method that I started on, that I will share with you: Always do your meditation in the same spot/chair etc; prepare yourself so you will be in as quiet a space as possible without interruptions, I find early morning works best for me, you find your best time for you; then close your eyes with feet/arms not crossed, legs can be folded in front/under you if you like, and that isn't necessary; then start your deep breathing and mentally pay attention to it, breath in and then breath out, after you get a pattern and rhythm to your breathing; visualize a score board, like the ones at a basketball game, start at 16 and count backwards to 1, if an intervening thought comes to your mind start over again at 16, when you can get to 1 without any thoughts creeping in, you will be in a meditative state. It took me about a month of doing this daily to get from 16 to 1, so be patient with yourself, and just enjoy the journey, it really isn't the destination, it is the journey that is fun. I would set aside about 15 to 20 minutes to begin with, as it will take you awhile to get to the 16/1 state, you can set an alarm clock or radio to come on or any other type of timer so you will know when the time is up, when you get to the 16/1 state you will just know when your time is up. Enjoy!
Thought for the day: "Be where you are. That's an important part of living a centered life. When your life is in balance, your access to the optimal emotional state is easy and effortless." –Nick Hall-
My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique
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