September 27, 2007

STRESS - Practicing What I Write, San Diego County Wildfires

Greetings from San Diego County; I have been writing on stress and I have got to live all my articles written and the ones to follow. It is very interesting how this all works, you practice something learn about it and the universe gives it to you to see how well you learnt it.

I am not a tv person, but I do have some programs I like on HGTV, and I do like to watch Oprha from time to time, so on Monday(10-22-07) I was sort of antsy all day, not being able to settle down and really get anything done, including writing articles, which I love to do. The day in Oceanside was clear and warm, so I put on my suit and laid in the sun and got some vitamin d, it felt really good as it was very warm and there was a nice breeze…so from there I ate my la/din (which is lunch and dinner) and decided to turn on the tv and watch HGTV and then see what Oprah had on, well what I saw instead of the programs, was my favorite town/area/county in a state of wildfire drama, and my area was threatened. Once again it was unbelievable for two reasons, one it was surreal and the other there wasn't any wind where I lived and the skies were clear blue.

So I watch the activities and the fire status for my area and finally went to bed at 12:00, waking up at 2:30am with a house full of smoke. Got up, closed all the windows and turned on the ceiling fans, went outside and it was a dense smoke condition outside, that was when I decided to leave for Utah as I have a vacation rental there and it was vacant, so I packed just my necessities, my laptop, some of my files to work on writing articles, my important papers and three changes of clothes, my healthy eating items, vitamins, shut down the house, turned off my water fountains, electric wind chimes and decided to honor the voluntary evacuation. I was packed, loaded and ready to leave at 5:30am, it took me exactly 3 hours to accomplish all this, now don't think I loaded my car down, I use a walker to get around and it just takes me longer… :)

While I was watching the tv and the reports on the fire, one woman had three kids in her car and she was evacuating, and the reporter asked her if she took anything and if so what. She said no, just her kids, that was what was/is important. That made think while I was getting my stuff together, when you start taking misc items and start thinking what is really important, there really isn't much, your important papers, yourself, and your health items; for me that is food and supplements; for some, that my be medications, and some clothes.

Was there treasured items that I would rather not loose, of course, but I am completely comfortable here in Utah in my vacation home, clear skies, no tv, and just being. I do check from time to time on the internet to see if there is any improvement, which there has been, and keep sending love and healing to my beautiful paradise San Diego County.

When you start gathering and clinging to personal items it causes stress and doesn't leave you with energy to handle the big deals that are going to come out of this situation. The recovery from this is going to take a long time and there are going to be great days, good days and days we want to end long before bedtime. So the better we space ourselves and not stress anymore than we have to in these stressful times, remember our priorities and what is REALLY important; and usually, that is people, when we get right down to it, and of course that means us also, now is the time to take time out each day for just one simple pleasure that feeds your soul, and start a gratitude list for all the things you are grateful for, and that will lighten your spirits and reduce your stress level.

Don’t' forget to get enough rest and take long hot Epson salt/baking soda baths with essential oils, this will just draw out the toxins out of your body and release the stress and tension in your body. Read all my prior articles so you can review items to do and what stress does to the body. You want to stay healthy during this time, as we all have a project to put our lives back to normal, whether we lost our home or just have the clean up to deal with, it is all added energy and time we will dealing with.

Thought for the day: "People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." -Elisabeth Kubler-Rose-

My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique

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